“Christ died for all, so that living men should not live for themselves, but for Christ who died and was raised to life, for them. (2 Corinthians 5:15, from the Communion Prayer of today’s Mass)
Jesus accepted his death quietly. He placed his entire trust in his loving Lord; he set an example for all people. He trusted the Lord would come through for him and the Lord came through at Jesus’s Resurrection. We must not live for ourselves but in service of our Creator.
I appreciate all the prayers for my brother-in-law, Mark Reynolds. He was taken off the ventilator yesterday and is showing signs of improvement. He has come a long way and has a long way to go. “Lord God…you share with us your divine life. Grant that we do everything directed by the knowledge of your truth.” (from the Prayer over the Gifts at today’s Mass) St. John Berchmans, pray for us. St. Ignatius Loyola, pray for us.
“And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You.” (Psalm 39:7)
“Trust in the Lord, because the Lord will not disappoint you! He never disappoints: He is a good friend, always on our side. Live life always with simplicity and faith.” Pope Francis