Our mission needs your generosity
The mission of forming Men for Others cannot happen without the generosity of supporters. Those who give to St. John’s Jesuit open the door of opportunity for more than two thirds of the school community. What transpires is a student experience that is diverse on many levels, and more reflective of the mission of Catholic education.

150+ Named Scholarships

$3+ Million Allocated in Financial Aid

75+ percent of students receive tuition assistance
Gifts made by check payable to St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy
Mail to: St. John’s Jesuit Advancement Office, 5901 Airport Highway, Toledo, Ohio 43615
There are various ways to help advance our mission at St. John’s Jesuit. Every gift enables us to support enrollment, tuition assistance, and future generations of the Titan community.
The St. John’s Jesuit Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO)
The St. John’s Jesuit Scholarship Granting Organization (St. John’s Jesuit SGO) is a new opportunity for donors who wish to support tuition assistance for St. John’s Jesuit students, to take advantage of the Ohio Tax Credit Program. The funds given to the St. John’s Jesuit SGO will be awarded as scholarships to eligible St. John’s Jesuit students.
Learn more about the St. John’s Jesuit Scholarship Granting Organization here.
The Titan Annual Fund
St. John’s Jesuit’s tuition is well below the actual cost to educate each student. Through the generosity of our Titan Annual Fund donors, we can make up that tuition shortfall, as well as meet the ongoing challenges of operational and facility maintenance costs. We are also dependent on the Titan Annual Fund to provide a robust financial aid program, while minimizing annual tuition increases for all families. Ultimately, it is your generosity that allows the school to continue its legacy of developing Men for Others.

Scholarship Endowments
The availability of 150+ named scholarships is witness to the incredible generosity of the Titan community. Every gift made in memoriam has a story impacted by Catholic education and the experience of attending St. John’s.
Endowed Scholarships
A. and John Libens Scholarship
Academy Jesuit Scholarship Endowment
Adolph Borer Scholarship
Advanced Control Solutions, Inc. Scholarship
Alumni Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Babula Scholarship
Ann Kleban Memorial Scholarship
Bert and Victoria Olejownik Scholarship
Bette J. Rimmelin Scholarship
Brigode Family Science Scholarship
Brown Family Endowment Scholarship
Buck Family Scholarship
Carl L. Campbell Scholarship
Carty Fox Spirit of the Arts Scholarship
Charlene Puccetti Scholarship
Charles Smart Kienzle ’99 Scholarship
Cherie Bischoff Cura Personalis Scholarship
Cheryl Heintschel Scholarship
Clarence E. & Mary Frances Bechtel Scholarship
Class of 1969 Memorial Scholarship
Class of 2005 Scholarship
Class of 2006 Scholarship
Class of 2009 Scholarship
Class of ’71 Scholarship
Class of ’78 Scholarship
Clyde Dane and Dr. William Gleespen Scholarship
David Doerr ’82 Memorial Scholarship
Derek Doney ’98 Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gribbin Scholarship
Dr. Carl Demarkowski Scholarship
Dr. Carl P. Herkimer Scholarship
Dr. Cletus Grothjan and Frank T. Pizza Scholarship
Dr. Edward. J. McCormick Scholarship
Dr. Kris R. Brickman Scholarship
Driscoll-Ruland-Preusser Scholarship
Eddie Konicki ’73 Scholarship
Edward L. Salay ’84 Scholarship
Edward Mohler, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Eric J. Floyd ’96 Scholarship
Ernest and Ray Zammit Scholarship
Eugene and Hannah Davis Scholarship
Fr. Charles Sweeney S.J. Scholarship
Fr. Don Vettese Toledo 2020 Scholarship
Fr. Henry F. Birkenhauer, S.J. Scholarship
Fr. Jack White, S.J. Scholarship
Fr. Paul A. Woelfl, S.J. Scholarship
Fr. Robert J. McAuley, S.J. Scholarship
Fr. Ted Walters, S.J. Scholarship
Francis and Theresa McPhee Scholarship
Frank E. and Ann M. Landry Scholarship
Frank N.H. Wong Scholarship
Fred Beier Scholarship
Frederick J. Kountz ’23 Scholarship
Fretti Family Scholarship
Gary Oden ’70 Memorial Scholarship
Geneva and Leroy Rodgers M.D. Scholarship
George and Marianne Ballas Scholarship
George R. and Marjory E. Graff Scholarship
Gerard F. Mertes ’31 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Gill Rogers ’87 Memorial Scholarship
Gregory T. and Kathleen C. Bosch Scholarship
Hall of Fame Scholarship
Harold and Helen McMaster Scholarship
Harold and Margaret Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Harold K. Mossing Scholarship
Harry C. Richards Scholarship
Holewinski and Knapik Memorial Scholarship
Hon. F.A. Pietrykowski Memorial Scholarship
Jacob Fritsch ’12 Scholarship
James Areddy Memorial Scholarship
Janicki Family Scholarship for the Sciences
Jason Gugger ’97 Scholarship
Jeffrey T. Hirsch ’81 Endowment
Jeng Family Scholarship
Jesuit Scholarship
JF/OJ Marshall Fine Arts Scholarship
Joe Czernicki Scholarship Endowment
John Alexander Memorial Scholarship
John Braucher Scholarship
John E. Hirzel Family Scholarship
John F. Didion Scholarship
John F. Savage Scholarship
John Glynn Scholarship
John Howard McNerney Memorial Scholarship
Joshua Hertzfeld ’96 Scholarship
Joshua K. LaRoe ’07 Endowment
Joshua Scholarship
Kevin F. Smith Scholarship
Kevin Lyddy ’81 Scholarship
Larry F. Kirian Scholarship
Leona Dolores Schier Sullivan Scholarship
Margaret Upton Trumbull Scholarship
Mark Rasmus Scholarship Endowment
Martin J. Witherell ’73 Scholarship
Megan Beck Scholarship
Melvin ’33 & Elvira Krieger Scholarship
Michael A. Gbur Memorial Scholarship
Moorjani Desai Memorial Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil A. Gladieux Scholarship
Msgr. Jerome E. Schmit Scholarship
Nancy Maksym Endowed Scholarship Fund
Nate Wilson ’97 Scholarship
Nicholas J. Jankowski ’93 Scholarship
Nicholas Robert Watkins ’03 Scholarship
Norman H. Miller Scholarship
North American Science Association “NAMSA” Scholarship
Oliver and Edna Fall Scholarship
Patricia E. Woodley Urban Education Scholarship
Paul and Julie Holewinski Scholarship
Paul P. Szymanski ’82 Memorial Scholarship
Phillip Karmol ’02 Scholarship Endowment
Pilliod Family Scholarship
Pope Francis Man for Others Scholarship
Raymond and Joseph Fadell Memorial Scholarship
Regis and H. Catherine Callahan Scholarship
Rev. Joaquin Martinez, S.J. Endowment
Richard & Theresa Russell Scholarship
Richard and Eunice Oswald Endowment
Richard and Michele Jackson Scholarship
Richard H. Schoen Scholarship
Richard M. Barchick Scholarship
Richard McCormick, S.J. Scholarship
Rick ’69 and Nancy Corbett Scholarship
Rick Sullivan Minority Scholarship
Robert E. Hylant Memorial Scholarship
Robert E. Stearns III ’81 Man for Others Scholarship
Robert J. Taptich Scholarship
Ron Miller Alumni Scholarship for Alumni Sons
Ronald R. Langenderfer Family Scholarship
Rumpf Family Scholarship
Ruth Hoy Memorial Scholarship
Ruth McBain Niemiller Scholarship
Ryan Jurski ’98 Scholarship
Sr. Brenda – Class of 2016 Scholarship
St. Aloysius Scholarship
St. Joseph the Worker Scholarship
Stephen Brahier ’76 Memorial Scholarship
T. Jarosi ’71 Memorial Scholarship
Terrence M. McCready ’92 Scholarship
Thomas H. Anderson Christian Leadership Scholarship
Thomas Hart Scholarship
Timothy Leo McQuade Memorial Scholarship
Urban Gradel ’29 Memorial Scholarship
W. Geoffrey Lyden Legacy Scholarship
Wally and Jeannette Iott Scholarship
William C. and Margery Oatis Scholarship
William Finn Memorial Scholarship
William J. Fox Scholarship
William Urban ’89 Scholarship
Willis Garwood Scholarship
Willma G. Schloss Scholarship Endowment

The Adopt-A-Student Program is a response to the educational needs of a young man who desires but cannot afford a Catholic Education at St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy. Participating in the Adopt-A-Student Program simply means being financially supportive of a student’s tuition. Through our Adopt-A-Student Program, you can help a designated student achieve his dream of graduating high school, graduating college, and becoming a productive citizen in our society.

Planned Giving
St. John Berchmans Legacy Society
There are generations of graduates who care deeply for the future of St. John’s and want to ensure healthy growth and development. Through planned giving, our mission of forming Men for Others in northwest Ohio is secured, no matter what the economic or political landscape.

Matching Gifts
Do you know if your employer has a matching gift program? You may be able to double, or even triple, your donation. Click below to find out if the impact of your gift could be significantly increased!

Jesuit Scholars Program
The Jesuit Scholars Program (formerly known as the 20/20 Jesuit Scholars Program) provides Catholic education accessibility to students who are under-resourced, academically talented, many times from single-parent homes, and who would not be able to attend St. John’s Jesuit because of financial needs or other difficulties.

Parent Giving
Parents choose to invest in their son’s education at St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy for many reasons. For those who are capable, Parent Giving to SJJ is a way to pay it forward but also make an investment in future programming, capital improvements, and other initiatives that will benefit their son and future Titans.

Young Alumni Council
Members of the Young Alumni Council (YAC) are younger than forty and share a passion for SJJ and its mission to develop Men for Others. Members are asked to pledge at one of three levels per year for four years. All members of YAC are invited to attend the quarterly socials including members at a $500 (Berchmans), $1,000 (Ignatian), and $1,500 (Presidential) level. These are men who intend to be stakeholders in St. John’s Jesuit now and for years to come.
Learn more about the Young Alumni Council here.

Campion Society for the Arts
Although technology has drastically changed the academic landscape, what is learned from the simple act of creative expression has not. There is a rich history and standard of excellence in theatrical productions, music and visual art at St. John’s, an aspect of student life named for a Jesuit lecturer and director St. Edmund Campion.

1965 Society
Formerly known as the President’s Council, the 1965 Society pays homage to our founding year. This society recognizes donors who contribute a minimum of $1,965 in a given fiscal year to SJJ. Members receive recognition in our annual report and are invited to a variety of events throughout the year.

Dinner Under the Dome
Dinner Under the Dome is the biggest fundraiser of the year for scholarships and tuition assistance. The event takes place the first Saturday of February. Attended by nearly 400 people, significant scholarship dollars are annually raised for scholarships. Led by 2024 event chairs Eric `10 and Charine Croak, the dome gymnasium was transformed to reflect A Street Fair theme. Click here to read about 2024 Man for Others Award Recipient and here to read about the 2024 Young Alumnus of the Year.
Presenting Sponsor – Savage and Associates
Katie Hire, Phil Johnson `81, Tom Lindsay `98, Steve Milewski `91, Wayne Milewski, Kelly Savage, Ryan Savage `15, Sean Savage `88, Mark Smigelski, Jeff Turner, Scott Walsh
Major Sponsors
Sofo Foods
Titan Sponsors
Laibe Electric/Technology
SJS Investment Service
Structured Wealth Management
Blue and Gold Sponsors
Ben Padanilam, Mayle Attorneys at Law
Dibling Floor Covering
Downing & Associates
Feller, Finch, & Associates
Jeffrey Wisniewski `92 & Sarah Puckett
Kevin `79 and Jo Ann Savage
Land Art
Marshal Melhorn
Renewal by Anderson
River Asset Management
Surface Combustion
In Kind Donors
HOT Graphic Services
Kevin Mullan `99
Mager Designs
Vision Performance Group Technologies

St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy
Educating young men in grades 6–12.
Toledo, OH 43615