admitted academy
A Message from the
Director of Admissions
Thank you for choosing St. John’s Jesuit! You have made the decision not just for a superior education, but for a middle school experience filled with challenge, support, spiritual development, and brotherhood. We are excited to welcome you to the start of your Titan journey and guide you through the final phase of the admissions process! Our Admissions team is available to help every step of the way. Do not hesitate to reach out for assistance at any time. The new school year comes fast, and our goal is to give you confidence that you will be supported in your time at St. John’s Jesuit. Welcome to a brotherhood and a school community like no other!
Ad Morjem dei Gloriam,
Phil Anthony
Director of Admissions
You Have Been Accepted!
What Comes Next?
Pay your $250.00 registration fee to secure your spot. Click here to establish or sign in to a FACTS account and make a payment or contact Matt Krasula, Tuition Coordinator, at
Contact the Admissions Office at to set an appointment time to review course registration with Mrs. Megan Hujik, the Academy Counselor and Class Scheduling Coordinator.
Click here to download the SJJ App. The SJJ App is an important school communication tool moving forward.
Attend summer Academy events for new students and their families! Save the date and look for more details in the June & July Summer Academy Newsletters for these upcoming gatherings: Family Festival, Academy Student Lock-In, 6th Grade Water Park Day, 7th and 8th Grade Cedar Point Day!
Click here for information about public district yellow bus service. Admitted families residing in the districts of TPS, Oregon, BG, and Findlay, submit an in-app Rider Request Form for SJJ Yellow Bus service (click here to download the SJJ App). For more information about transportation services at SJJ contact Ron Parton at
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Bio Update?
The Bio Update is a mandatory student profile maintained by the SJJ school registrar’s office that includes emergency medical information, emergency contact information, parental/guardian permissions, consent for the school year, and other important information. The Bio Update must be submitted before a Titan is permitted to start classes, and reviewed, updated, and approved every year the student is enrolled at SJJ. Once the registration fee is paid, the school registrar, Mrs. Julie Fuzinski, will email a link to complete the required questionnaire.
What device will my student need for class?
A Titan is responsible for purchasing his own device. Click here for information pertaining to iPads at St. John’s Jesuit.
What enrichment classes are available?
Click here for a list of enrichment courses available for 7th and 8th graders.
What is the dress code?
Click here to view the dress code policy for the 2024-25 school year.
How do I get information about athletics?
The Academy offers football (7/8th only), basketball, soccer, lacrosse, track, cross country, golf, wrestling, and soccer. The Academy competes in the Toledo Diocesan Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) and other leagues. Titans interested in a fall sport (cross country, football, and golf) will receive signup information through the Academy Parent Newsletter during the first week of school in August, and likewise for the other sports prior to the start of the season. Specific questions can be sent by email to Academy Athletic Director Mike Schoen `05 at
Important SJJ Contacts:
Academy Principal
Steve Spenthoff `95
Academy Coordinator
Brenda Knight
EdChoice, FACTS & Tuition Assistance
Matt Krasula `11
Mike Schoen `05
Ron Parton
20/20 Jesuit Scholars Program
Mary Ann Barabino
Jon Peterson Scholarship
Joni Corbett
Class Scheduling and Academy Counselor
Megan Hujik
Phil Anthony
Anthony Glover
Mary Ziemke
St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy
Educating young men in grades 6–12.
Toledo, OH 43615